It was time for exams this month and lots of reading. The first one was already on the 6th of January. It was the project from "Media to community". For the first time I experienced the worst feeling I have ever felt. I was scared, couldn't sleep, over-tired, shaking, couldn't put thoughts together and more for three days before the exam. Have no clue what so ever happened to my body and mind. The examination time was about 30-40min. = a feeling of hell where thoughts and words don't come to you as you hope and the questions asked and wanting to be answered was.... no where to be found. "Horrible" that's the word for those days. But maneged through. I didn't fail, though not with the best grade. But sure lucky to be alive and be over with that afterwards.
The second exam was on the 22nd of January - 48hour thing. Drew the subject on the 20th: "Visualisation". SO HAPPY about that subject. We have four subjects on this education, the other three are: Businees, communication and Interaction (IT/coding of websites) there was some questions to be answered from/about an earlier written project we did and some studies to be done for that. This was the opposite feeling. This was a great experience and I learned a lot about Visualisation on those 48hours of preparing for the exam. The exam was also a GREAT experience. The best exam I have been to so far in my life and as you probably can read. I got a super grade for that one :o)
*Hope I will never experience the feeling again that I had for the first exam. No thank you!!! :o)