tirsdag den 31. marts 2009

31st of March 2009

Two months has passed by as a trainee out in the real world and ahead lies the final project. No internet all weekend - because we have got a new modem. I used the weekend on getting the thoughts together for the final project and writting a five page synopsis for this that needed to be handed in yesterday Monday the 30th.
I am glad that we had to write the synopsis and think it will be a great piece to be doing whenever a project has to be done for school or in the real business. We haven't done that before for a project at school.
I have choosen to write/make my project alone for once. More people from the class are doing their own project this time. We got eight weeks for it. The synopsis will be read through by the teachers these days and approved, refused or we will be asked to change/add things. We are to get the answer on Thursday, so I got a bit of butterflies in my stomach. Hope that it goes through and hope that I can manage to hold all pieces together myself and that I can find a CMS that will work the way I want and will be easy to change for the case.

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